This apartment is too small for us! Here are a few images of our place of residence for the past three years before we move somewhere else this summer. Ideal features of a new place include:
- On-site laundry (would love our own personal laundry!)
- A porch I can hang out on
- More than one room so we have enough space for a studio
- Non-scary neighborhood
- Kitchen counter space, please
- Low enough rent!
That may be too much to ask for depending on where we’ll be… but a girl can have dreams. Our biggest priority is to have more than one room so we can work on art projects without having to then sleep on top of the art projects and eat on top of the art projects and so on. This apartment has been good to us–very cheap, and it was close to my grad studio–but now that both of us had to move our studio spaces home, it is overwhelmed with art supplies on top of our books and other things. Plus our neighbors are kind of annoying. Especially the chicken restaurant, which likes to pour grease down our driveway. Walking through slippery chicken grease to get to my door is not pleasant, and neither are the broken beer bottles the other neighbors periodically leave right behind our cars, nor the parties they have on our roof that caused it to collapse in the past.
Anyway, here are a few pics. M E M O R I E S. Now let’s find a new place!
Mirror to Check my Stylz. Dinos give opinions.
Don Draper is a Hottie. Too bad Betty wound up with this guy.
Organizing the Frogman’s Assistants’ Portfolio to Ship Out
Room with a view of our kitchen. Painting by Brad Wreyford.
Llama made of Llama fur. Marriage quilt by Great Aunt Jeanie.
Still Life with Animal Shells and Art by Friends + Chicken Drawing We Won from Cannonball Press for Our Caption
Impromptu Giant-Sized Ironing Board Created During Thesis
Piecing Together a Thesis Print
Making My Wedding Dress–My First Sewing Project! I am Crazy.
Wedding Dress Ribbon and Crochet Project
Terrarium with Air Plants, Made in an Old Glass Battery Casing
Covering Everything up During Ceiling Repairs
Rugs Out to Dry After Ceiling Collapse and a Good Washing
Kitchen Window with View of Fig Tree and Dino from Strawberry Festival thanks to Jessie H.
I had a garden for a while. Then people kept pissing in it on game days and washing out their paint brushes there and walking in it and their cats all took craps there, etc. No more garden. I should add that to the list of things that would be nice for a new place: room for a garden.
You guys are the cutyiest. I can’t wait to see where you live next and what you do with it. Goooooood luck! I know it’s soooo stressful.
Thanks! When are you moving, Ann?
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