I have been planning on making a post about student work from last semester for quite awhile now, but I have just gotten around to editing images from the end of the term. I now have a full catalog of work to reflect upon, as well as a couple months–and a few hundred miles–distance to guarantee objectivity.
I probably won’t have a whole lot to say about the work itself, but I will say in general, I was impressed by the quality of the work I got from students, even if I was sometimes stressed by their persistent procrastination. I was so thankful for the opportunity to teach at both Murray State and Austin Peay and I’m very happy I am able to share this selection of work with you. Many of these pieces are now welcome additions to my teaching portfolio. Thanks students!
Kara McCoil, Washes and Transfers with hand stitching.
Kara McCoil, Additions and Deletions
Casey Vandergrift, Additions and Deletions
Kara McCoil, 4 color stone/plate combination
Emily Ashby, 4 color stone/plate combination
More lithos to come in the portfolio exchange!
Drawing I
Kirstin Andrews, Drawing into a Negative Space Drawing
Kirstin Andrews, Drapery
Sarah Allen, Erasure Drapery
Kyle Sirls, Self-portrait/ Metaphoric objects triptych
Haley Smothers, Self-portrait/ Metaphoric objects triptych
Bashair Alhazmi, Self-portrait/ Metaphoric objects triptych
Bashair Alhazmi, Final
Life Drawing, Austin Peay State University
We didn’t have models for almost three weeks into the semester. As a result we spend a good deal of time drawing facet head busts, animal skulls, and Ralph here. When we finally did get models, Krissy was by far our most reliable. Still, despite logistical mishaps, I feel like students got some really nice results.
Christian Bellido, First Night drawing
Jadie Binkley, Animal Skull
Christian Bellido, Erasure goat skull
Jadie Binkley, Foreshortening drawing
Christian Bellido, Lying figure
Jadie Binkley, Multiple Figures
Christian Bellido, Multiple Figures drawing
Kara Dixon, Multiple Figures
Final Project– Hypothetical Self-Portrait
Students created a triptych of drawings that explored aspects of their personalities through an alter-ego.
Angela Tripp
Christian Bellido
Advanced Printmaking and final Portfolio Exchange
Harmony Sutherland, screenprint
Kyle Fitts, Lithograph and screenprint with hand cutting
Chris Clark, screenprint
Madeline Bartley, Screenprint
Portfolio Exchange: Creatures and Structures
Not a weak print in the group. I was really pleased with everyone’s work on this exchange. What a way to end a successful semester!!
Harmony Sutherland
Chris Clark
Kara McCoil
Emily Ashby
Casey Vandergrift
Are you sure you got the orientation right on the Chris Clark print in the final section? The Hebrew lettering is upside down!
The artist was aware of that and sheepishly admitted it during critique. These flip flops happen sometimes in the making of prints, which reverse everything. Good eye!
Is this the person who noticed that the Mona Lisa on Jasper John’s works were flopped?