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Hot Cheetos and Toffees: The Things Students Say


Yes, at times it can be a thankless, 20-hour a day job where you may want to pull your hair out, snap pencils in half and make your syllabus billboard-sized and in all bold, italicized type. But we love it, anyway.

Just kidding… but sometimes it feels that way

Sometimes you have students that just want to squeeze through on as little as possible. Maybe they never cared about learning anything about art, or at least didn’t care about learning what you had to offer. But, thankfully, they’re balanced out by others who enjoy and appreciate learning and who (if you’re lucky) have a great sense of humor, as well.

Here’s a great card Blake got this semester from a couple of his students at Bowling Green:

Students That Take the Cake

Students That Take the Cake

Students That Take the Cake

Last semester, I was graced with a similarly sweet treat: Life Drawing students brought me Hot Cheetos and Toffees (since they couldn’t find Takis) to our final critique in honor of our “class song” by YN Rich Kids. This song perfectly described our night-class sojourns to the library coffee/snax shop to attain junk food sustenance and coffee to get us through the evening.


I’m also fond of students writing in their evaluations that I could “be more batman-like” in the “areas for improvement” section and that I am “like Chuck Norris.”

Students That Take the Cake

My other favorite highlights from the above evaluations are:

“…lighten up on the number of projects, damn.”

And, listed under “Weaknesses”:

“By the time I felt like I had a good understanding of the processes, we moved on.”

Isn’t that the point in a survey course?

Another student last semester made me a sweet little felt Christmas tree ornament for me filled with lavender that I carried around for weeks. Blake called it my “Hannah-nip.”

I had some very thoughtful students last semester at Murray State who took the time to write out detailed comments like the one below. I always love reading that my courses are “a lot of work” but that they learned a bunch.

Students That Take the Cake

In related news, this article from the onion cracked us up yesterday: Professor Deeply Hurt By Student’s Evaluation.

Teachers and students alike, hope you all have a great end to your semester!

p.s. Totally aware of the typos on the evaluations form and the card, but I dealt with it.

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