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Portrait Commission: The Lady Eisel

Drawing Mrs. Eisel

After patiently waiting for me to draw her profile picture as a part of my Summer Facebook Project, Mrs. Eisel requested a custom portrait from me. Here it is! I took images of the graphite, inking and watercolor stages.

I hope you like it, Mrs. Eisel!

Mrs. Eisel

If any of you are interested in requesting drawings of your dog, kid, celebrity crush, weird next door neighbor, house, wedding, or you sitting on top of the elk you killed on that one hunting trip last year–please let me know! I really enjoy doing this kind of work.

Email Me: hannah.march.sandersATgmailDOTcom

Portrait Commission

Drawing Mrs. Eisel

Drawing Mrs. Eisel

Drawing Mrs. Eisel

Drawing Mrs. Eisel


I used the bottom of the paper to test out my colors. I planned on tearing it off at the end, but I kind of like it. I’ll leave it and see if Mrs. Eisel likes it there or not. I can always tear it off later!

Drawing Mrs. Eisel

Meanwhile, Blake is in one corner of the living room carving on this sucker:

Blake's New Lino Block in Progess

I’m also watercoloring some old lithographs to sell at an upcoming art fair in Evansville, IN later this month:

Watercoloring Old Lithographs

Watercoloring Old Lithographs


And I’m still drawing Facebook profile pictures  and crocheting, of course! I’ll post an update on those fronts soon.

5 thoughts on “Portrait Commission: The Lady Eisel”

  1. This is beautiful Hannah. And I LOVE that you left those paint marks at the bottom, its genius!! That could be a new trademark, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else do that. I really admire your dedication to art making, you are amazing!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for the feedback. I’ll take you advice and do a series of them with the paint marks at the bottom! I usually use a scrap piece of paper to test colors on. In this case, the scrap I was painting on was extra long, so I just did it on the bottom and planned to tear it off. But I liked it! So I left it on. Glad y’all like it, too!

  2. Pingback: Recent Portrait Commissions: From Sketch to Completion | Orange Barrel Industries

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