It’s been a long time, folks. Teaching full-time, traveling, making art, living apart–I’m keeping busy. Yes, “living apart” fits in that list. Everything takes longer and costs more separately–cooking, washing up, running errands. There’s no backup.
I’ve also been cheating on you, blog, with Instagram. Yes, we finally joined the 21st century with smart phones, and Instagram follows shortly thereafter. You can find and follow us, here:, if you’re so inclined.
I started this altered book in November of last year. I didn’t put too many hours into it until just recently, however. It’s a good in-between tasks task these days. And it’s fun. And fresh.
So, take a gander, and let me know what you think. It’d be nice to get some non-spam comments one of these days, although the spam is getting more and more intriguing.
It’d be nice to do this as an assignment for a drawing class one of these days. We were assigned to do one in one of my printmaking courses in undergrad at Tulane University.
And, lastly, a little perspective for you. Here is a drawing from a couple sketchbooks ago of when I purchased the book that was to become this altered book: